Wednesday, June 8, 2011

This afternoon I have my Math 075 final, and I didn't study for it. I was busy all weekend, and I guess I could have found some time yesterday, but other stuff just kept coming up.

I'm not really TOO worried, because only the last few chapters have been really confusing and lame (Pi, fractions, blah blah blah). I still think I'll be able to pull away with a B on the final. We spent a lot of time on Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, which is cake, so whatever. I don't really care.

Is that bad? I dunno. I have a 95% in that class, so its like, fuck it, I'm still going to pass with a decent grade  even if I fail the damn final. We'll see. I'll probably be cursing myself during the test because I won't remember something simple.

I'm also going to print up a bunch of resumes so I can head over to Gig Harbor after the test and job hunt a little. I need to get out of this funk, any way possible. Hopefully I can find something. I know I'm gonna steer clear of Jax, because Jack Call is a flakey jerk, but other than that I'm gonna hit every salon I know of.

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